Alternatives to crowns & bridges

 In Crowns and Bridges

Cosmetic dentistry allows patients to improve their smile quickly, easily, and affordably. Many patients find that crowns and bridges can improve their smile in an effective and affordable way. Crowns are often used to cover a tooth in order to change the appearance or protect it, while bridges are used to replace missing teeth and restore a patient’s smile. There are alternatives to crowns and bridges. The Woodlands dentist, Dr. Dernick, can offer a variety of alternative cosmetic treatments for patients looking to improve their smile.

Dental Implants
Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth, instead of utilizing a bridge. A bridge will require the dentist to remove enamel from the adjacent teeth, which can affect the structure of a perfectly healthy and sound natural tooth. Dental implants are a restoration that does not affect surrounding teeth, and can last a lifetime when properly maintained.

Porcelain Veneers
Patients may use veneers instead of crowns when dealing with the front teeth. Veneers are similar to crowns, in that they are bonded to the teeth to change the appearance. However, they are much thinner and are more often considered for the front teeth in an arch instead of for rear teeth, which benefit more from a stronger dental crown.

Partial dentures can help patients restore a smile that has been affected by tooth loss. Dentures are a removable device that can be used in lieu of dental bridges or dental implants. However, they are often a temporary solution, as many patients do not want the hassle of dealing with dentures day in and day out for the rest of their lives. This is why many patients that have partial dentures may upgrade to a dental bridge or dental implants later on.

Crowns and bridges have their place in cosmetic dentistry, but are not the only way a patient can improve their smile. It is important that patients consult with their dentist and find a cosmetic restoration that works best for them and their lifestyle, as well as their finances. Dr. Dernick can discuss with patients the variety of options available and educate them on each to provide them with the knowledge they need to make a proper decision on behalf of their oral health and beauty.


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